Restrictions were imposed on traffic on Gomi-Sachkhere-Chiatura-Zestaponi km1-km106 section
25 January, 2022 07:09:10

Due to heavy snow and low temperatures, the movement of trailers, semi-trailers and vehicles with capacity of more than 30 seats is restricted on the km1-km106 of tge  Gomi-Sachkhere-Chiatura-Zestaponi secondary road, while the rest is free.

Trailers and semi-trailers are restricted on Nakerala Pass
25 January, 2022 06:33:05

Due to heavy snow, the movement of trailers and semi-trailers is restricted  on the km39-km62 (Nakerala Pass) section of the Kutaisi-Tkibuli-Ambrolauri section of the Kutaisi-Tkibuli-Ambrolauri road and the movement of other types of vehicles is free.

On January 25-26, a temporary traffic switch will be established in the Gori Road Tunnel
24 January, 2022 09:09:25
In order to carry out preventive works in the Gori road tunnel located at the 88th kilometer of the Tbilisi-Senaki-Leselidze international road, from 23:00 on January 25, 2022 to 02:00 on January 26, 2022, and 02:00 From 05:00 to 05:00, all types of traffic is restricted on the Tbilisi-Senaki dir...
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