24 May, 2014 12:58:00
Construction Company is implementing planned works at existing bridge located over the river Liakhvi at km85 of Tbilisi-Senaki-Leselidze road (Tbilisi-Khashuri direction). Therefore traffic at respective bridge is restricted for all mode of transport from 09:00 of May...
17 May, 2014 12:14:00
Raging torrent coming from Devdorki ravine, located at km134 of Mtskheta-Stepantsminda-Larsi road (Larsi gorge), resulted in blocking of the river Tergi and carriageway. Currently, traffic is restricted on respective section for al...
27 April, 2014 13:45:00

Traffic on Gudauri(Posta)-Kobi section of Mtskheta-Stepantsminda-Larsi is free.

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