20 June, 2014 11:46:00
Traffic at km136-km152 Chumateleti-Khevi section of Tbilisi-Senaki-Leselidze road is free from 12:30 till 15:00 on June 20 for all mode of transport besides trailers and semi-trailers. One-way movement is admitted at km146 of mentioned road, towards Chumateleti-Khevi or Khevi-Chumateleti directio...
17 June, 2014 05:40:00
Carriageway is closed at km146 of Tbilisi-Senaki-Leselidze road (West side of Rikoti Runnel) due to collapse of earth and rock. Movement at km136-km152 (Chumateleti-Khevi) section is forbidden for all mode of transport. Traffic, except for trailers and semi-trailers, ...
16 June, 2014 13:06:00
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