The movement of trailers is restricted on the Gomi-Sachkhere road
16 March, 2022 17:39:17
Due to snow and low temperature, Trailers and semi-trailers are restricted on the km 1-km 106 (Gomi-Sachkhere) section of the Gomi-Sachkhere-Chiatura-Zestafoni secondary road, while the movement of other types of vehicles is free. Traffic is free on the rest of the road. The Roads...
The movement of trailers is restricted on the km 135-km 225 section of the Tbilisi-Senaki-Leselidze road
16 March, 2022 17:30:08

Due to snow and clear ice, Trailers and semi-trailers are restricted on the km 135-km 225 (Surami-Bagdati sections) section of the Tbilisi-Senaki-Leselidze international road, while the movement of other types of vehicles is free.

Traffic is free on the rest of the road.

Traffic is free on the Sagarejo-Udabno-Davit Gareji Monastery road
16 March, 2022 15:18:47
As a result of intensive cleaning works, all kinds of traffic is free on the Sagarejo-Udabno-Davit Gareji Monastery secondary road. The Roads Department urges residents to drive with appropriate tires for the winter period, with proper transport and to obey the regimes imposed on the road...
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