A special mode of light vehicle traffic was established on the Gomi-Sachkhere section
22 February, 2023 14:59:14
Due to intense snow, the traffic of trailers and semi-trailers is restricted on the Gomi-Sachkhere-Chiathura-Zestafoni secondary road. On the same section km1-km52 (Gomi-Sachkhere) traffic of light vehicles is allowed using anti-slip chains. The movement of high-speed vehicles (with two o...
Traffic of trailers and semi-trailers is restricted on a separate section of the Kutaisi (Choma)-Alpana-Mamisoni pass road
22 February, 2023 12:34:42

Due to the snow, the movement of trailers and semi-trailers is restricted on the km 1-km 129 section of the Kutaisi (Choma)-Alpana-Mamison pass secondary road, while the movement of other types of vehicles is free.

Special traffic regimes were established on separate sections of roads
22 February, 2023 12:18:41
Due to intense snow and heavy snowfall, on the km 59-km 73 section of the Kutaisi (Martyrs)-Tkibuli-Ambrolauri secondary road, on the Km 44-km 64.2 section of the Gupta-Oni road, on the Chrebalo-Nikortsminda road, on the Tsesi-Uravi road, and on the Saglolo-Chiora-Gebi road. - Only high-speed veh...
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