Restrictions Imposed for Trailers on km37-km126 section of Kutaisi-Tskaltubo-Tsageri-Lentekhi-Lasdili Road
04 February, 2020 12:27:28
According to Roads Department of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, due to heavy snow traffic at km126-km157 section of Kutaisi (Tskaltubo turn)-Tskaltubo-Tsageri-Lentekhi-Lasdili secondary road  is restricted for all means of tra...
Traffic at Alpana-Tsageri Road Permissible by Application of Anti-skid Chains
04 February, 2020 10:27:54
According to Roads Department of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, due to heavy snow traffic at km1-km22 section of Alpana-Tsageri secondary road is restricted for trailers and semi-trailers. The remaining transport means are allowed ...
Traffic Restricted at Paravani Pass
03 February, 2020 19:52:57
According to Roads Department of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, due to difficult meteorological conditions (snow-storm and limited visibility), traffic is forbidden for all modes of transport on km94-km110 (Paravani Pass) section o...
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