Survey is carried out to determine traffic intensity and alignments
26 September, 2014 00:00:00
Today, Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure and Roads Department will carry out sociological survey in order to determine traffic intensity and alignments for development of Tbilisi bypass road. Surveys will be conducted on the following sections: Tbili...
Roads Department will develop strategy for road sector financing
26 September, 2014 00:00:00
Task meeting was held today between representatives of Roads Department and the World Bank. The meeting was attended by the Chairman of Roads Department of Georgia, Vazha Panchulidze, Deputy Chairman Irakli Litanishvili, Head of Foreign Projects Unit of RD Vakhtang Ra...
Roads Department resumed disaster clean-up operations in the morning
25 September, 2014 00:00:00
Roads Department uninterruptedly continues disaster clean-up operations in the West Georgia. Representatives of RD are in disaster zones – Guria and Adjara; they carry out nonstop monitoring of the situation; heavy machinery is mobilized and relevant works are b...
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