Traffic resumed for all vehicles at Ozurgeti-Shemokmedi-Bzhuzhhesi-Gomismta Pass
16 May, 2017 00:00:00
According to Roads Department of Georgia, traffic is resumed for all vehicles on km16-km33 section of Ozurgeti-Shemokmedi-Bzhuzhhesi-Gomismta road. We remind you that, due to heavy snowfall, Ozurgeti-Shemokmedi-Bzhuzhhesi-Gomismta ...
The villages of Tskaltubo Municipality will use upgraded and safe road
11 May, 2017 00:00:00
Rehabilitation works of 8 km section of Kutaisi (Choma)-Alpana-Mamisoni Pass secondary road are actively underway. The section to be rehabilitated passes through the following villages of Tskaltubo Municipality: Opurchkheti and Namokhvani. ...
Traffic will be fully resumed by the end of the day on Zugdidi-Jvari-Mestia-Lasdili road
11 May, 2017 00:00:00
According to Roads Department, due to conducted cleaning works, traffic is free for all modes of transport on km91-km101 section of Zugdidi-Jvari-Mestia-Lasdili road (Dizi-Lakhamula), traffic is resumed bilaterally. However, due to...
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