George Amashukeli and Vazha Panchulidze left for Baku with a business trip
23 October, 2014 00:00:00
In order to share information and experiences about the latest technologies in the construction field, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure, George Amashukeli, together with the chairman of the Roads Department, Vazha Panchulidze left for...
Roads Department started preparatory works for winter season
22 October, 2014 00:00:00
Today, Chairman of Roads Department Vazha Panchulidze met with the supervisors of roads maintenance and representatives of contracting organizations. Due to the coming winter season the issue related to readiness of contracting org...
Upgraded road for ten villages of Kakheti
21 October, 2014 00:00:00
Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure, Mr. Davit Shavliashvili, Chairman of Roads Department Vazha Panchulidze, the Governor of Kakheti region, Irakli  Shiolashvili and the World Bank representative opened together newly rehabilitated 6,4 km se...
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