


Roads Department of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, as the World Bank Transport Projects' Implementing Agency in Georgia is soliciting applications for the position of Procurement Consultant. 
Georgia has received financing from the World Bank towards the cost of Secondary and Local Roads Project (Credit No 3938-GE and Loan No 7671-GE); First East-West Highway Improvement Project (Credit No. 4248-GE and Loan No.7804-GE); Second East-West Highway Improvement Project (Credit No.4373-GE and Credit No. 4512-GE); Third East-West Highway Improvement Project (Loan No.7741-GE); Kakheti Regional Roads Improvement Project (Loan No.7802-GE). It is also expected to sign Secondary and Local Roads Project–II. The Roads Department of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia (RDMRDI) will have the overall responsibility for implementation of these Projects. Certain parts of the above funding will be applied to hire an independent consultant to be a procurement specialist to ensure and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of procurement activities implemented by RDMRDI for the World Bank financed road improvement projects in Georgia.  

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