
June 5, 2010

June 5 is the World Environment Day stimulating awareness of the environment and enhancing political attention and public action. Mr. Ramaz Nikolaishvili, Chairman of Roads Department of Georgia, conducted environmental monitoring of borrows pits along Tbilisi-Senaki-Leselidze highway.  After utilization, borrow areas should be reinstated and they should be environmentally friendly.


The work is as follows: first of all slopes should be treated, terraces should be provided for elimination and prevention of potential landslide.  At the next stage, top soil shall be distributed over the terrace.  Perennials and plantations shall be planted at reinstated slopes.  Fencing should be provided for borrow areas in order to protect local communities and domestic animals from accidents. 


Within the scope of the project “Take care of the environment and plant a tree”, Roads Department of Georgia has planted compensational trees along Tbilisi-Senaki-Leselidze highway that will provide windbreak zone in future. More than 300 saplings of ash-trees and Caucasus pine-trees were planted. The goal of the project is to assist improvement of the environmental conditions in Georgia.


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