
August 22, 2011

Today, the former resort city Anaklia was officially opened. The pedestrian Bridge with length of 540 meter which connects Anaklia and Ganmukhuri has been opened as well. The basing of foundation of the new hotel was started as well, which will have the function of training center.

The bridge has been designed by German architect Pitter Walser with co-authorship of Ltd. "Transproject". The construction part of the bridge was prepared in Germany after that the transportation and installation of the bridge in Georgia was carried out. The whole Pedestrian Bridge is made from wood. It should be noted that such long wooden bridge doesn't exist not only in Georgia, but in whole Europe. The bridge railings and ropes are illuminated with modern illumination which creates beautiful show.
The bridge is nominated in the International Contest of the Bridges in New-York. The contest is going to be held in the September of this year. It was nominated for the award: "Best Pedistrian Bridge".
Construction of Anaklia-Ganmukhuri Bridge was coordinated by the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia. On the Construction works were employed almost 250 people most of whom are the local residents. 
The basing of foundation of the new "Guest House" type hotel was started as well, which will be in the same contexts as the bridge. The hotel will have 14 floors and will contain 50 rooms. In the hotel the training center will also be arranged. The construction of the hotel will be supervised by the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia.

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